Monday, November 24, 2008

i wove sawwwwaaaaahhhh widdddiiieeedddoooonnnn

i wove aaaallllcccchhhhoooohhhlllleeeee more than sawah =P aawww jks i dont, or do i DUN DUN DUN

SAWAHS HAIR HAS APPARANTLY GROWN!! thats what she's saying and now she's staring into nothing and twirling her hair

and now she looks interested and she is still cirling her hair

and still staring blankly

i think she's staring at dennis screen

now she's stroking her hair

it looks funny

now she is just staring blankly not playing with her hair

she looks like a statue

maybe i should poke it

maybe i shouldnt

eehhhh i'l do it

she looked funnilly at me and now she's staring blankly again

now she twisted her head around for like a second

now she's playing with her little pony tail

now she's shaking her head

puting her pony tail back in

back to staring into nothing

now she's growning and rubbing her eyes

i wonder if she gets off on that.............

im only joking

she's still staring into nothing.... this is getting boring im gonna poke her again

and she just slaped me as i said that for some reason

and now she's happy coz paramore is on

meh im gonna stop


Corey talor from slipknot headbanging

Corey talor from slipknot headbanging
Corey Talor

Do you think twilight sux?? (i think it does even though its not out)

